Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shadow and Willow Snuggle by the Fire

With the freezing cold temperatures (-30 degrees) we have had to bring Willow and the puppies into the house. YIKES!    Poor Shadow has missed Willow and they have had a little time to bond on their cushion .  Even though we enjoy having our dogs in the house, we do require them to stay on their designated areas.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eleven dogs, 3 kids, a Blizzard, and a Huge Muskrat in the Garage

Shadow thinks, "This is the biggest mouse I have ever seen!"
I am not saying that our house is a zoo, but being snowed in with three small children, 2 dogs and 9 puppies has been a challenge.  Then to top it off, Shadow caught a huge muskrat in the garage last night.  The muskrat must have stowed away in a bag of duck decoys that Ty had taken to the lake and was trying to find a hiding place behind a snowmachine.